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tv   [untitled]    October 30, 2012 5:00am-5:30am EDT

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superstorm sandy claims at least thirteen lives as the slums and the east coast america forcing barack obama to be traumatic to hunker down just days ahead of the presidential election. the bailouts needed spain italy is a prime ministers and says that countries don't need help but the latest economic forecast says financial collapse is in a. great amount of foreign powers for refusing to negotiate with all the sides in the syrian conflict that's how to grow beyond its borders a good one for a quick troops. this is all see coming to life for most welcome to the program the race for the
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u.s. presidency has been struck by superstorm sandy which hit hard at america's eastern seaboard packing a deadly punch that claimed at least thirteen lives before losing some steam as it moved further inland at least seven million all set to have been left without electricity in several states an explosion at a power plant in new york plunged a large part of the city into darkness heavy rains are expected to continue for at least another twenty four hours adding to the flooding in their area he's a marine up word now reports now from the eye of the storm i made the blackout. superstorm has been reading all a lot of havoc on new york and nearby state down to. battery park there are some devastating scene unfolding the search the tide has gone above thirteen feet and lower manhattan is literally underwater and we have seen throughout the city some cranes collapsing a building on the west side of manhattan. collapsed tens of thousands of people
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have been displaced from their homes millions are now without power me included and clearly this storm is not over we don't know how bad it's going to get it is a horse the more south you are in manhattan but you can't disregard the the outer boroughs like queens and brooklyn and staten island. all of all of new yorkers right now are suffering i should extend that to all those living in new jersey virginia maryland along the east coast this is this is a brutal storm may be easing up but clearly it is causing significant damage a sandy is clearly becoming a huge player in this two thousand total action u.s. president barack obama and his opponent mitt romney they both have suspended their campaigning events for monday and tuesday president obama returned to washington d.c. he addressed the nation about the series weather conditions told americans as this is a very extreme and would be a serious storm and everyone should be taking the circumstance very seriously
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now on the gallup poll what's interesting is that they have announced that they are suspending their daily election cooling due to this hurricane hurricane sandy it's not clear when they will be good polling again but sandy is likely to affect early voting now early voting typically helps identify crowds but we don't know what kind of damage will be caused by next week how are people going to get to the polls in six or seven days that is the major concern but that's something that we can insist pete and we until we see the op her mouth. us and as soon as tom hayden says something to go to help heal a tunnel between the car and the. it's destroying the legitimacy of the election potentially on the east coast early voting is being wiped out in these cities and states the voting of the elderly on the election day the voting
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of the poor on election day the voting of new yorkers on election day is likely to be diminished through no fault of their own and that will affect the outcome of the election but at the same time it's extremely possible to manipulate the computers so if it's a close election it will be protested and contested as illegitimate for days and days and into the future just as the election between gore and bush. was seen by most americans as stolen that could happen again so we are in for a an electoral crisis i think of a very very profound nature. even as well as trade close down in the face of sanity and he corporate ok if my activities still believe the bankers will come out try the presidential campaign has become the most expensive in u.s.
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history with major corporations pouring billions into both camps and independent journalist j.m.s. and believes this will keep the occupy movement growing even often action. presidential election united states really sucks all of the oxygen out of the room there is essentially no political work that can be done during an election i would say that the many different organizing projects the different. organizers and instrumental motivators and occupy have taken on in this period without you know. actually argue quite well for the future of the movement and there's a moment of political maturation happening among occupiers and i think that. you know occupy wall she was really useful in that it introduced everybody to each other and gave everyone a common vocabulary and a common conceptual framework for understanding the problems and then now people are organizing in solidarity with one another in a in a really promising way but essentially the story of american politics is that it is completely incapable of reforming it is intransigent it is in the death grip of
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a system of corporate acquisition and accumulation that it simply cannot get out. more live updates on superstorm sandy on our website. and our coverage of the presidential race also continues as we take on what the mainstream is missing and you can watch the final round of debates between the thing as possible that's right here next monday. governor romney you know we both agree we should bring the tax rates down the same as the president did governor romney. you would agree let's go back to something the president i agree on and you do view that over to have a choice you want to rid of god for what the romney and obama agree on so many things where you do have other options come november sixth tune in to see the second round of debates between the major third party candidates right here on r.g.p. . most stories from around the world this hour for
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you bahraini authorities say they are planning all protests gatherings amid escalating clashes in the gulf kingdom this comes after reports the country's police are trying to empty more of the protesters with tear gas and rubber bullets in the capital manami on monday on western bahrain has been ongoing for nearly two years now with clashes occurring almost daily killing around a subpoena and tires how the country is under fire from human rights groups for its brutal crackdowns on pro reform campaign is calling for more rights drugs and education. japan is accusing china of sending for government troops to the waters of a disputed archipelago the vessels are said to have headed towards the islands after the japanese prime minister vowed to ramp up coastal security on monday both countries to lay claims to the small chain of uninhabited islands which reportedly hold vast reserves of natural resources the territorial fallout has previously sparked mass protests in china and japan. international observers have
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called ukraine's parliamentary election are backward step for democracy saying they witnessed abuse of power and excessive use of money during the vote over eighty five percent of ballots have been counted so far where they really party lead the opposition which seeks the impeachment of incumbent president to begin the coverage from second with more than twenty four percent of the vote official results are expected to be announced on thursday. spain easily prime ministers are denying claims their countries will be seeking financial help anytime soon mario monti and mariano rajoy have stressed that getting bailout cash is not in the interest of their people both countries have already faced mass protests with people venting their frustration of a biting spending cuts that estates are trapped in a severe recession with unemployment numbers reaching alarming heights expert patrick young says the leaders claims of a future borders in the us. we've got the italian and spanish leaders who
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obviously don't read their own newspapers i mean just to give an example last week the spanish said they would launch an eighteen billion euro from to be allowed the regions by today can the ninth region have clear their little share of the pile and they've already therefore got commitments for seventeen point six billion up to nine regions of space and there are lots of other regions that are bankrupt to go certainly should be in desperately need to be enlarged we'll be lucky to escape with one mr rudd holywood good on history is the man who ultimately signed your route through an unbelievable pigheaded obstinacy when he simply refused to appreciate the fact that he blurted country slip backwards and ultimately the spanish economy at the moment is going towards where it was about nine hundred seventy two when franco was still alive and well. meanwhile greece is being forced into juice one hundred fifty nine financial reforms by international creditors this as a journalist was arrested after publishing a list of the country's stop tax dodgers with secret swiss bank accounts cost us
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vaxevanis says the same information was given to the greek authorities to give as a go by christine legarde who was the french finance minister at the time however they also has decided not to act on it and legal expert george could regardless says does accuse ations should have been investigated. big could not use it up at court exactly because it was not legal proof but vick would start investigating these meetings in the cabinet click that so i think this is just an early by what they are using a pretext it is now that the journalistic is published in this material instead of going after these suspected criminals of tax evasion they're going after the list it would be an upgrade to the isle of differences ago due to the sentiment of the injustices that are now i would hate to see this in this field if it would be something some say out of this meeting went in there we are facing now so maybe the
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police at least could not resolve our financer problem and i think it will be a food stamp for the numbers for god and justice to god and political fairness for . and later in the program we'll tell you how the crisis is pushing some to find. people who rob banks go to prison banks who real people get paid bonuses just a stone so cold by the economic woes and furious with banks one british businessman finds his way to support the local community we'll bring you his story and much more in a couple. horses and bayonets big bird these are the words of internet legend from the two thousand and twelve presidential debates when
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a candidate says something dumb or odd to so much fun to make silly pictures like these on the internet whoa whoa he but the problem is that the person who wins the bait is the one who makes the best argument not he who doesn't make a verbal slip ups people react to these debates like schoolgirls picking prom queen or rummy talked about big bird who howard dean screamed yeah gaffes don't matter that much it matters if the ideas the candidates present are effective or not but more importantly it matters if they will actually do them if a future can say proposed a brilliant economic plan that could save america but instead of saying pennies let the word penis slip or gossip celebrity culture would make him lose the election for sure his opponent's army of photoshop or sort of hundreds of copper fellas is drawn all over the internet by the next day a schoolgirl attitude towards politics won't do anything except make fun internet
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memes but that's just my opinion. it is easy to if you. believe to eat. six. magine assets that the damn phone watches show every single moment. and waiting for you to stumble. i saw a man with a video camera so i moved over and he followed me. you know we realized
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there were following everyone from early in the morning. the only chance to get rid of him. is to reveal him. to. me devil operation on archie. don't speak your language anytime of the war and out of the. cold news programs and documentaries in spanish matters to you breaking news a little tonnage of angola's kiddies stories. to you here. to enjoy it all to spanish find out more visit i to allahabad all tito is calm.
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this is r.c. welcome back russia's foreign minister sergey lavrov has urged all sides in the syrian conflict to open dialogue that's after a un brokered truce failed to hold violence between government troops and the rebels and international envoy lakhdar brahimi acknowledged that the talks in moscow that sunbonnets during the cease fire was committed by extremist groups operating in syria russia believes forestay should take responsibility for the factions in syria they support and convince them to lay down arms point to slick's place now why the west stance of backing the opposition and aiding regime change across the arab world is not a solution to the continued calles. things have gone from bad to worse in a region powered by the hope of change not so long ago in libya one year after the revolution that gas shells and artillery reportedly be used against peaceful civilians lebanon is on the brink of civil war and syria is already fighting one
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idiot there is a process of another reformatting of the geo political map of the middle east when various players try to secure their own political position we consider this counterproductive such measures imposed from outside can never give a stable long term result. this is the result of western efforts to encourage the so-called democratization of the arab world countries in ruins tens of thousands killed and hundreds of thousands maybe a few g.'s but western nations it seems are still not ready to stop we are going to do everything we can to make sure that we are helping the opposition and to further pressure and isolate the regime seeing syria remove assad is a very high priority for us and it's not mere lipservice washington and its european allies our system the rebels to get rid of assad i'm sure of one thing the syrian regime will never find its place among the community of nations it has no
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future among us. that is why france will recognize a provisional government representing the new free syria once it's been formed. but if assad goes it's almost guaranteed that the carnage will continue. bhatia sound protects minorities including the christians that have lived in syria for hundreds of years even the street just estimates of the situation received from all west european partners so is the least one third of the population still back assad regarding him as a person destined not to let syria turn into a country impossible for minorities to live in. and no more than ever syria's instability threatens the security of neighboring lebanon and here to the us is made to kill it supports a new government it wasn't false hope that the lebanese intelligence officer was killed that murder prompted widespread condemnation and of course for the international community to stay out of the mystical say is
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a message the international community would do well to heed a phony to prevent the region from forming into for the chaos today we're seeing the western and g.c.c. led counter revolution while at the same time on one hand the west is is proclaiming some kind of backing of people you know rights to self-determination through this arab spring and actually what they're doing is unwinding it for them in countries like bahrain in yemen in countries like libya and in syria where the west has actively sought to foment rebellion and force regime to paint a reality far from the minds of those who once championed the arab spring and what it could bring. people across the globe choose different ways to run that they can only crisis some resent they fucked up some direct action laura smith
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tells a story a one businessman who decided to us. changes to the system by declaring himself a financial institution. hello thank you. for longer ok thank you dave fyshwick is a cheeky northern charmer he made his fortune selling minibuses in his hometown as burnley but instead of fancy holidays and expensive cars when the credit crisis hit dave wanted to give something back so he decided to open a bank late two thousand and eight early two thousand and nine my mini. me to get funded for as the last fifteen years but overnight that just stopped the banks just stopped lending to the to the customers and i'm thinking have it done something wrong have they made a mistake of the. you know it's not the people that are the problem it's the banks have the problem try thought outland of them so that's what it bank on dave he says although thanks to extensive red tape he's not actually allowed to call himself
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a bank and he's keen to differentiate himself from banks in other ways too he offers five percent on savings and he lends that money out to his local community and no bonuses and the profits go to charity in our state but there just isn't a day in every town more's the pity so his isn't a model which could be rolled out nationwide in its current form but financial experts say lessons can be learnt for a healthier banking system one point is clear and this is a point that the bank makes in a way is that banking has just moved too far away from its roots and its basic need to understand too. with. mad rush where highly leveraged change over the last sixty. days ultimate goal is to bring banking back to its roots no more faceless conglomerate. that's where
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computers and mavericks make the decisions and the one percent pockets unimaginable bonuses instead local banks the local people run by the community to benefit the community it's not a new idea in fact it's how banking used to be before the mega box and mega banks stepped in and dave starting to get some political support you have to take save us money and invest in real productive activity and to take responsibility for doing it which is not the way that banking currently works in his comical kind of crazy we're showing the way to a better banking system which is responsible. in touch with entrepreneurship which actually could be the basis for going forward there's certainly got to be some way forwards as wave after wave of scandal hits the financial sector banking on dave and others like him looks more and more attractive one of the sayings i use
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a lawyer people who rob banks go to prison banks who rob people get paid bonuses that has to stop laura smith r.t. birmingham. and on r.t. dot com right now our golden treasure hunt three ships and i think this aircraft and helicopters have got over this sea of a mosque with a fine tooth comb in such a virus russian cargo ship with seven hundred tons of pressures on board. plus facebook could be facing trial for allowing children to run prompt charges on their parent's credit cards find out the details on our ticket on. the last night john katie relate his business news how that looks like he has got some major gas problem is expanding so doesn't surprise me that you know i know they're in a vicious company out there a year and right now they've set their signs on a new project that is aimed to handle gas supplies to asia now the energy major
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will spend around thirty eight. billion dollars to build a pipeline in the country is now a third of that money will be spent on a development a gas field in the sun called republic whether link will begin now the first two hundred kilometer pipeline is expected to be ready in five years from also plans to set up liquefied natural gas production in the region by twenty eighteen now the company says the following is capacities that will allow it to set up gas supplies to the asia pacific and that it's going to be equal to the current european ones or even bigger than that side that check out the russian x. the markets see what is going on and trading is thin today there's not a lot going on in the lawsuit because of what's happening in wall street we know that the whole of the financial district is indeed flooded because of hurricane sandy hook but now the gains are increasing with what about the hope of the r.t.s. the my six here in moscow the european stocks are rising in the us as companies
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from europe second biggest oil company b.p. to germany's largest and adore each a bank report earnings are just playing as stigmas and u.b.s. switzerland's biggest bank jumped over five point six percent after raising up profitability goes about eight tenth's of percent of the dax for the footsie it sticks just that meanwhile the euro continues its upward direction and it's getting harder up the road the last of that one twenty five for the ruble it remains and makes. i do believe that is it for business but not plenty more of the way we got a special report coming up and a catholic priest was demonized while standing up to us owned multinational corporations staging for the.
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a sacred place rising out of the waters of the lake the lawn ministry is home to one hundred fifty orthodox monks mostly younger than thirty five and they've come from many different places and backgrounds to live in isolation here spiritual life it takes up many hours on the road to becoming a monk requires both hard work and religious tele cation. salem's to become and herds cattle as part of this preparation. however these beasts get a musical accompaniment of what they can remember sound sequences you know they react to the sound signals the fruits the herders had in the old days they needed them it wasn't just a fun thing but these meadows didn't come naturally requiring decades of composting to bring the soil up to farming standard. this island is mostly rock. the soil here is very thin and the monks can't just get more of it because they're surrounded by the lake so they have to work very hard in order to provide whatever
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food they need. to grow their own crops found their own fish and repair their own churches. but the central purpose of alarm has always been religious the main monstrous surrounded by smaller priories spread through the many archipelago the monks here know their existence is a little different from that of other monstrous here we are out of the way and we do have. bill creams and song times tourists as well but the way. tranquility use is hardly. the. combination of high religion and down to earth hard work that motivates these men.
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download the official application to self choose your language stream quality and enjoy your favorites. t.v. is not required to watch on t.v. all you need is your mobile device to watch r.t. any time. what will change when america picks its president amid muslim rage walking the iran tightrope pushing china and russia as occupy anger spreads the two parties still dictate will there. this election a close god. every day to denver fifty on artsy. when.
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he will go to the police station now and press charges. i just arrived on monday as i work in the cheese factory and i bring cheese from. the team. and if i am going to be. there is i want to know if they're going to arrest me so i can call my lawyer. and if. me. why should i give you my identity card. if you can detain me in the street it was an enormous numbers and. if it was good to see done give us the videotape. as an embassy. and i would. get with leader you for your free one hundred of them are pretty
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positive. and. we thought the police would help us but they didn't even said they let the spy get away in that sentiment as if. that.


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